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La Buena Vida C Diego

Diego's Sire and Grandsire's

DOB: February 8, 2021
Sire: La Buena Vida FM Caruva
SS: SG RHV SMF Feldspar Matrix +*B
SD: SG La Buena Vida IF Kalore (VVEV 88)
Dam: SG La Buena Vida TY Scarlett 2*M
DS: Dill's RD Truck Yeah +*B (VVV 87)
DD: Jasper Pine SHH Demitasse 1*M (VEEV 88)
More Info: ​
Color: Buckskin
Diego is a lovely combination of some of our older genetics. We are happy to have the opportunity to use him this year and linebreed on some of our old favorite lines.
Diego's littermate sister "Milan" FF udder

SG La Buena Vida TY Scarlett 2*M

Sire's Dam
SG La Buena Vida IF Kalore 2*M (VVEV 88)

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